March 23rd - March 26th
Dear Students,March 23rd - March 26th
How are you? How's the second quarantine week going? Did you finish watching the 10 seasons of Friends? Did you read the Quarantine Tips from my Cat? Leave a comment below :)
I have received your last week's tasks and I'm very glad with the results. Good job and keep it up! Remember my email is open Mon-Fri. 8AM-4PM for questions or comments and, most importantly, to receive your work. Oh, and it's rubeningles.etievan@gmail.com.
This is Week 2. And we have some work to do.
We are seeing Will/Won't for future predictions.
When I was a kid I had a book called Pig Will and Pig Won't. Pig Will was so nice and always wanted to help and do things. But Pig Won't didn't, he never wanted to do anything. I hated Pig Won't. Look:
It was funnier when I was a kid... If you want to read/listen to it click here.
Don't be a Kid Won't (?)
This week you'll have to do the following (Tareas de la semana)
TASK 1 - Video and writing Exercise (Due Wednesday 25th)
Watch the segment from Tomorrowland.
Make a list of (12) things you managed to see that the director believes will be common in the future.
Use the structure:
There will be ______.
(Habrán + las cosas que viste)
Eg. There will be flying cars.
(Habrán autos voladores)
Send them to my email (rubeningles.etievan@gmail.com) with your name by Wednesday 25th.
Download the following worksheet:
Week 2 - Online Worksheet:
You can do the worksheet on the same file, save it with your name and send it to my email.
You can also print it, do it with a pen and send me the images.
Or you can answer on your notebook, take a picture of it and send it to my email.
(En español, puedes responderla en el mismo archivo y enviármelo al email, puedes imprimirla si tienes impresora, hacerla con lápiz, sacarle fotos a las respuestas y me las mandas con tu nombre para corregirlas o si quieres puedes escribir solo las respuestas (con número por favor) en tu cuaderno, les sacas una foto y me la mandas.)
That's all for now.
Stay in, stay safe, stay in contact, don't be a Kid Won't.