7th Grade

Week 3: Click here for week 3 (and 4)

Week 2: CLICKING HERE (Click aquí para las tareas de la semana 2)

Week 1:(below)

Dear class,

How are you? How are you dealing with the quarantine? Playing videogames? Petting your dog? Your cat? Reading? Watching Naruto? 

Task 1: What do you do when you are home? Me? I watch TV, read a book, I cook a little and talk to my friends on the phone. And you? Write about that on your notebook and, if you want, let me know in the comments below! 

Remember that in class we are doing a review of some last year's contents. The first thing is the verb to be

Here's a nice image with a summary of the form:

Resultado de imagen de verb to be 

Let's practice. Look at Lisa and the seven things about her.

   Task 2: On your notebooks, write seven things about yourself using the verb to be (I am, I am not, is, are, etc.). If you want, also leave them in the comments below.

Stay in, stay healthy, see you in a bit.

Your teacher.


claudio said…
I usually play video games watch TV listen to music practice some songs from time to time I cook and little else